When I think of the county fair I think of 4H, rides and food. This year the Professional Photographers of San Diego County reminded their members about entering into the photo exhibition contest. So boring story of my thoughts short, I decided to enter and as usual at the 11th hour... I was pleasantly surprised to learn that half of my entries made it into the exhibition. The four that made it are below.
Impossibly AfloatBella floating in the desert.
New DayJared in the dunes at greeting the rising sun. Got an honorable mention at SDCF photography exhibition.
Jonas in FlightJonas with a beautiful jump captured at Canela Photography studio in the Arts District, Liberty Station.
Summer FogTona in silhouette.
Two of the entries got an honorable mention! Results Which means I am doing something right, right?
New DayJared in the dunes greeting the sun.
Jared is one of my first dance muses. Since he is my son he has been a muse his entire life. I am grateful for his generosity and patience with me in indulging me with my creative ideas and adventures. In this image we traveled to the desert, woke up at 3:30 am to drive further into the desert to the dunes. Dawn was at around 4:30 am. The lighting changes so fast we had no time to waste. It was true creative collaboration that is possible when all parties trust each other. We didn't stay long as the temperature rises as the sun. However many of the images we captured that morning are some of my most favorite.
Time flies when you are having fun. Time flew in this session and so did Jonas. This was my first time working with Jonas outside of San Diego Ballet. We had a great time creating some wonderful images in studio. I am grateful for his generosity and for indulging me with some of my wardrobe selections. You can see more from this photo session on my instagram page @canela_photography or at Jonas' @jonas_olivera98
I always tell myself I will join more competitions and then time gets away from me. Obviously I have plenty of room for improvement and that is motivating. Thanks for reading and I hope you follow along as I continue to improve the craft I enjoy so much! Please, comment and let me know if you would like to see the other 4 images that did not make the cut.